Der Spiegel: "Deutsche Waffenlieferungen. Heikler U-Boot-Deal mit Israel "
Luc MICHEL for PCN-NCP-SPO / with Der Spiegel – AFP / 03/06/2012
Israeli U-Boote (submarines) "Dolphin-Klasse" with nuclear weapons, NATO weapons – U.S.-British cruise missiles and German U-Boote – "improved" by Tsahal in weapons of Apocalypse!
 This is the secret "Operation Samson"! Or how NATO arms directly Israel with weapons of mass destruction.
"Israel deploys nuclear warheads on German submarines," reveals Der Spiegel!
"Israel is also studying the possibility to order three more", still according to Der Spiegel.
"Israel is equipping submarines supplied by Germany with cruise missiles with nuclear warheads," says the German weekly Der Spiegel to be published on Monday.
According to the magazine, "Berlin has always denied that these submarines can be part of Israel's nuclear arsenal."
But according to Der Spiegel, former senior officials of the German Ministry of Defence had "assured that the government had always thought Israel outfitted with atomic ammunition the Dolphin Class attack submarines."
This Sunday, this information has led to a reaction of the Social Democrat (SPD) opposition which has demanded explanations from the government of Angela Merkel. "The federal government must provide information so that is known whether the submarines delivered by Germany can be equipped with potential carriers of nuclear warheads," told the weekly Rolf Mützenich, spokesman on foreign political issues of the SPD parliamentary group. "Until now, these shipments were among others justified by the fact that these submarines were part of an arsenal of conventional deterrence," he said.
"Delivery (of submarines, ed. note) was without weapons," said to Der Spiegel the spokesman of the chancellor Angela Merkel, Steffen Seibert, adding: "The federal government is not involved in speculation about its ulterior arming”.
Germany has already delivered three of these submarines to Israel, funding besides most of the bill, and three other ones are to be delivered by 2017.
Israel is also studying the possibility to order three more, according to Der Spiegel.
"The Germans can be proud to have guaranteed the existence of the State of Israel for years to come," said about this contract the Israeli Defense Minister, the likudnik hawk Ehud Barak, quoted by the newspaper.
According to Der Spiegel, "Berlin hoped in exchange for these contracts to see Israeli concessions on the settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories" (sic).
Israeli U-Boote (submarines) "Dolphin-Klasse" with nuclear weapons, NATO weapons – U.S.-British cruise missiles and German U-Boote – "improved" by Tsahal in weapons of Apocalypse!
Apart from that, it’s the Syrian President Assad who would threaten peace in the Middle East according to the media of NATO! The real rogue state in the region is really Israel …
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Photos Der Spiegel:
The Israeli U-Boote "Dolphin-Klasse" with nuclear weapons in the port of Haifa … 
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