ELAC – Euro-Libyan Action Committees:


We, the activists of Direct Democracy and the European cause, we respond and we join the call by Luc Michel, president of MEDD-RCM, the Movement for European Direct Democracy:

The Libyan Jamahiriya is in danger! The demons from the past are back, inspired and driven by the foreigner…

We call on all supporters of the Libyan Jamahiriya and its system of Direct Democracy in Europe and Quebec to support our action and set up everywhere defense Committees of Jamahiriya with the name of "Euro-Libyan Action Committees."

We stand with the People of Libya, with their Leader Muammar Gaddafi, and the militants of the RCM, the  Revolutionary Committees Movement, People’s vanguard.

We refuse the return to Libya of the old demons of the past that Colonel Gaddafi  expelled four decades ago: fascism and Islamist reaction, the reign of the monarchy and corrupt parties, the foreign domination and the plunder of national wealth.

We support the Libyan way to independence, social justice and people’s power  through direct Democracy.

We welcome the action of Muammar Gaddafi for the African Union, which he is the motor and the initiator of, his support for the unification of the European Continent, and his vision of Libya as a bridge between Africa and Europe.

We intend to pursue here in Europe and Quebec, the battle of ideas, especially on social networks, against media lies of the Western press and the campaigns of hatred and defamation of the "Libyan" lackeys of Western imperialism, who from their golden exile want to destroy the country they have betrayed.

Libya is not Egypt nor Tunisia! It is a people’s power, which has never betrayed the Arab Cause, Palestine and Iraq, which made Jamahiriya an oasis of progress, culture and prosperity in the midst of the poverty of ‘Arab’ regimes sold to the West. And Muammar Gaddafi is not afraid of his people as he has just proved again by going alone in the crowd of Tripoli coming to support him.

ELAC is a unitarian, transnational, pan-European Network.

Committees are already organized in France, Brussels and Wallonia (formerly Belgium), Russia, Moldova, Turkey, Quebec (formerly Canada), Bulgaria … Join us!


No to Islamic Fascism!

No to Western imperialism and its lackeys!

Yes to the Jamahiryan Revolution!

February 17, 2011

Luc Michel (Brussels)

Fabrice Béaur (Moscow, Russia)

Jean-Pierre Vandersmissen (Paris)

Inanç Kutlu (Istanbul)

Georges Delongueville (Ath, Wallonia – former Belgium)


ELAC – Euro-Libyan Action Committees

Paneuropean Network to Defend the Libyan Jamahiriya

Réseau paneuropéen de Défense de la Jamahiriya libyenne

Ce contenu a été publié dans - 6Th European Forum of the MEDD/2011, - Centre Européen de Recherches et d'Etudes sur la Démocratie Directe, - Démocratie Directe, - Direct Democracy, - ELAB Hungary, - ELAC Czech Republic, - ELAC Europe-Africa Forum, - ELAC France, - ELAC Great-Britain, - ELAC Greece, - ELAC in Italian, - ELAC in Spanish, - ELAC Jamahirian TV, - ELAC Latvia, - ELAC Moldova, - ELAC on FaceBook, - ELAC Paneuropean Leadership, - ELAC Poland, - ELAC Russia, - ELAC Srbija, - ELAC Turkey, - ELAK Slovakia, - English, - European Centre for Research and Studies on Direct Democracy, - International Conference "Hands off LIbya", - La Cause des Peuples, - Libya News and Facts, - Libyan Reality, - MEDD-RCM Fraction Greece, - MEDD-RCM Fraction Hungary, - MEDD-RCM Fraction Moldova, - MEDD-RCM Fraction Russia, - MEDD-RCM Fraction Turkey, - MEDD-RCM on FaceBook, - MEDD-RCM on Twitter, - Newsletter Libya News and Facts, - PCN Service de Presse/PCN-NCP Press Office, - PCN TV/PCN-NCP Communitarian Network, - Pro Jamahiriyan PAGES on FaceBook, # ARTICLES BY LANGUAGE, # CEREDD, # ELAC / EURO-LIBYAN ACTION COMMITTEES, # INTERNATIONAL CONTACT GROUP OF NGO ON LIBYA, # MEDD-RCM / MOVEMENT FOR EUROPEAN DIRECT DEMOCRACY, # PRO JAMAHIRIYAN ON SOCIAL NETWORKS, # PRO JAMAHIRIYAN PRESS, # PRO JAMAHIRIYAN TV, Non classé. Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.

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