Press Release ELAC Committees 
Euro-Libyan Action Committees  – March 14, 2011  
BELGA/13 mars/22h: A senior Al-Qa’ida, Abu Yahya al-Libi has called on insurgents to continue their struggle "without hesitation and without fear" in a videotape aired Sunday on Islamist websites. "
For several weeks now, the North African wing of Al Qa’ida, AQIM, Al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (before 2004, the "Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat), and its Emir Abd al-Malik Drukdal (Abu Mus’ab ‘Abd al-Wadud), supports the rebels in Benghazi, in press releases and even posters!
AQIM has a direct interest there, since Tripoli is the main obstacle to organized drug trafficking from Guinea Bissau to Morocco via Saharan tracks, traffic which is the main source of funding for AQIM.
We note attacks against France, while SARKOZY and BHL are now allies of the Libyan friends of AQIM, the Islamo-monarchists of Benghazi and the Islamists of the Islamic Emirate of Derna, led by Abdelkarim Al-Hasadi a Former Guantanamo detainee …
So SARKOZY’s France thanks to BHL – already lobbyist 25 years ago of the late Islamist Ahmed Shah Massud, who already was financed by the opium trade – is in the same camp as terrorists and drug traffickers of Al-Qa’ida!
In Afghanistan, NATO militarists and the SARKOZY neo-cons with French passports are killing young Europeans (their sons are themselves in business) so-called "to fight al-Qa’ida" … NOW they want to kill young Europeans to install al-Qa’ida and its Islamo-monarchist allies in power in Libya!
As aptly stated by Muammar Gaddafi, if the Islamists of Benghazi were to win with the help of NATO, U.S. and France, "There will be an Islamic Jihad in front of you, in the Mediterranean (… ) The people of Bin Laden will impose ransoms on land and sea We shall return to the time of Barbarossa, of pirates, of the Ottomans who imposed ransoms on ships. This will truly be a global crisis and a disaster for everyone. "


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