Majer, the Libyan "Guernica"!
Libya: Tripoli accuses NATO of having killed 85 civilians on the night of August 9th!
Service de Presse du PCN / ANALYSES & COMMENTAIRES /
(2011.08.10/ Sources : BELGA/ JANA/ Libyan TV)
Tripoli on Tuesday accused NATO of killing 85 people including women and children in air raids against a village east of Tripoli, MAJER.
The raids were conducted on the night of Monday to Tuesday by NATO on the village of Majer, about ten miles south of the disputed town of Zliten, itself located 150 km east of Tripoli, said the spokesman for the Libyan government, Musa Ibrahim, to a group of journalists taken on site.
"The village was attacked for allowing the rebels to enter Zliten from the south," he said, referring to repeated attempts by insurgents from the enclave of Misrata, further east, to capture this city, under the NATO air cover. "After the first three bombs fell, people ran to the bombed-out houses to save their loved ones. They were hit by three bombs," he said in reporting the death of 33 children, 32 women and 20 men , from twelve families, and denouncing a "massacre".
The journalists saw four houses completely or nearly destroyed. They have been destroyed in the raids, said local officials saying that there were still bodies under the rubble. Thirty bodies including those of two children and a woman were taken to the morgue of the central hospital of Zliten. Body parts were also there.
In the afternoon, several hundred people attended the funeral of 28 victims buried in the cemetery of the martyrs in Majer, shouting their anger against NATO, "spies and traitors" in allusion to the rebellion.
As usual, NATO stated that "the target consisted of two old farm buildings used for military purposes by the regime" (sic). "We have no evidence of civilian casualties at this stage" (resic), shamelessly said spokesman Roland Lavoie. "NATO takes extreme care not to hit innocent civilians living or working close to" the targeted sites (resic).
The Atlantic Alliance, often accused by Tripoli with supporting evidence to kill civilians, have sofar recognized only two blunders in its operation in Libya admitting the killing by mistake or accidentally civilians during raids.
NATO took at the end of March command of the international coalition which intervened – the United States, NATO and the Arab whores of Washington – "to protect civilians." Since then it has murdered them by hundreds and hundreds


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