To all the comrades of MEDD-RCM, ELAC and ALAC Committees!
To all the members of Revolutionnary Committees in the World!
To all the followers of the Jamahiriyan Network!
Stop crying! Stop messages of defeat!
Stop to hear the voices of NATO, Zionism or Iranian sectarism!
Stop to follow the false informations of so-called “non-mainstream journalists” in Paris or Lebanon! They are simply the puppets of another master in Teheran.
In Washington, Tel-Aviv, Brussels or Tegeran : All they want to demobilise you !
Our comrades of AL JAMAHIRIYA TV, the TV of the Libyan Resistance, on streaming on the net, in direct, says that all this is a FAKE ! They just diffuse the voices of Aïcha Al Gaddafi and our brother Moussa Ibrahim who do not confirm the Qatari and NATO false informations. Also do Dr Yussuf Shakeer, the most proeminent Libyan journalist.
Like ELAC-RESISTANCE they expose also fake pictures…
Moammar Al Gaddafi is an idea.
The generous idea of the GREEN BOOK and of the anti-imperialist fight. And you can not kill an idea.
The Resistance and Liberation fight in Libya is really not finished!
We will not give up! Never!
We are all Gaddafi soldiers!