ELAC & ALAC Committees with PCN-SPO – ELAC Website /
2012 12 17 /
“Since the invasion and occupation of Libya in 2011, a lot of nonsense was written on the Jamahiriya. Reduced, to justify Western aggression, to a non-state based on tribal bases. It is confusing the result of the invasion of NATO and the Somaliazation of Libya with the regime set up by Gaddafi from 1969 to 2011.“
(Luc MICHEL, Where is Libya going to?)
This has been a blunt lie from the beginning, and even before any war started. This lie was established because the West was never fond of Qaddafi, note,
he was the individual who lead the revolution which toppled a Western puppet Monarch and subsequently leading to the eradication of US and British Imperialist bases from Libya. The flag of the so-calles TNC was initially the flag of this Western puppet regime.
That being said, Qaddafi has not ruled over Libya since 1972. Qaddafi was the Prime Minister of Libya from 1970 to 1972, then he was replaced by Abdessalam Jalloud. This blatant lie that Qaddafi is a dictator is completely fabricated, he has no position in Libyan government and hasn't had a position since 1972, "List of heads of government of Libya".
After 1977, a system of Direct Democracy, inspirated to this of the Jacobin First Commune of Paris (1792-94), was organised on the bases of popular congresses and municipalities, the 32 Shabhiahs. And no more 3 provinces as the old colonial Libya of King Idriss.
Another blatant lie spread like wildfire by the NATO’s medias, but anyone with a slight historical knowledge of Libya will argue that the complete opposite was true.
The Libyan wealth was used for many social programs which benefited Libyans, here is a reduced list of those social programs:
1. Free Housing: Libyan Wealth was used by the Jamahariya government to provide free housing to all Libyans. The West is still struggling with the housing issue, but the Libyan Jamahariya government had no issues, it was simple, free housing for all Libyans using Libyan wealth.
2. Free Medicare: All Libyans were provided free health care using Libyan wealth. The Libyan Jamahariya also provided finance for those who wanted to get treatment out side Libya, this is because the Libyan government used the Libyan money for the benefit of Libyans. The Western nations are still struggling with health care.
3. Free Education: All Libyans were provided with free Education using Libyan wealth. The Libyan Jamahariya also provided finance for those who wanted to get education abroad, once again, because Libyan money was used to benefit Libyans. Over 80% literacy rate in Libya, the highest in Africa. Under the Western puppet Monarchy, the literacy rate was extremely low, that is because Western puppets do not use Libyan wealth to benefit Libyans, rather to benefit Western interests.
4. Man Made River: The Libyan government financed the man made river using Libyan wealth. This project, when finished, provided 80% of Libyans with water. This also helped with irrigation, making the Libyan deserts green, it can be seen from Satellite images.
This was an attempt to make Libya self sufficient, to produce its own food and make it more independent.
“Gaddafi had freed the Libyan woman, opened the universities and military academies to her, repressed polygamy. All what the NTC destroyed. In some Islamist strongholds, fell into their hands as Misrata, the Afghan burqa or the Saudi style full niqab are now in circulation”, writees Luc MICHEL in september 2012 (*).
An incident during trhe ceremony installing the new Puppet regime in Tripoli on August 8, 2011 demonstrate what women loosed with the new Libya made in NATO. "The ceremony was marked by a small incident," still confessed AFP, "when Mr. Abdeljalil (the chief of the NTC) ordered the replacement of a young woman who presented the program of the ceremony because she was made-up and not veiled" . "The presenter, hair uncovered, was forced to make way for members of the NTC who have followed one another on the stand", said Libération (Paris). “Incident revealing the influence of Islamists in Libya of the NTC and NATO”, commented Luc MICHEL. "We believe in individual freedoms and we consolidate them but we are Muslims and we are committed to our principles. Everyone should understand this point, "said Mr. Abdeljalil without any further details, before delivering his speech. "The incident went unnoticed by most of the assistance that did not understand the remark of the head of the NTC," said AFP.
"The leader of the NTC, known for his Islamic orientation particularly regarding women, had already caused controversy, during the proclamation of the “liberation"of the country (the quotation marks are from Liberation, for once scrupulous) from the regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi last October, claiming that sharia law would be source of legislation in the new Libya, citing in particular the right to polygamy "without conditions", "said the French daily (pro NTC) Liberation. “this incident shows the regression of Women after Gaddaf”, conclued Luc MICHEL.
“Since the invasion and occupation of Libya in 2011, a lot of nonsense was written on the Jamahiriya. Reduced, to justify Western aggression, to a non-state based on tribal bases. It is confusing the result of the invasion of NATO and the Somaliazation of Libya with the regime set up by Gaddafi from 1969 to 2011”, commented Luc MICHEL in its “WHERE IS LIBYA GOING TO?”.
He longly analysed the roats of Gaddafi’s Jamahiriya: “The ideological bases of the Jamahiriya, of the institutions of the Libyan Direct Democracy, they are not as wrote in 1985 the magazine GEO "Marx and Allah." But there, we are already far away from the tribalized non-state of the NATO media! These bases, that’s the French Jacobinism. That revolutionary of Robespierre and the First Paris Commune, that of 1792-94. Libyan Direct Democracy largely mirrors the experience of Direct Democracy of the First Paris Commune (1792-1794) and the Committee of State Security . References are public and numerous to the revolutionary government of Robespierre”.
Luc MICHEL also analysed “the role played by Muammar Gaddafi in the Libyan institutional system”. It “corresponded closely – what nobody seemed to see – to that ROBESPIERRE played between the Commune and its sections, the Convention, the people of Paris, the Club of the Jacobins and the Committee of State Security. Both inspiring and ideologue, spokesman and supreme arbiter (…) For whom is a familiar of the Jamahiriyan Libyan system and its actual operation (…) the role of Robespierre in power from 1793 to Thermidor, is inevitably reminiscent of that played by Gaddafi, the Leader of the Revolution, in Libya”.
”The Jamahiriya was an ideological state”, conclued Luc MICHEL, “with politics organized around an advanced experience of Direct Democracy, with meetings and discussions at all levels – from neighborhoods to the "General People's Congress" (which replaced the Parliament) , through the 30 municipalities, the SABHIAHS – with organized political executives, the "Revolutionary Committees". A pilot experiment followed in other countries, for example in Venezuela (..) This in addition to a socialist economy, and a protective and redistributive social state and a state-controlled economy.”
From all this, there is nothing left.
So this is what US and NATO armies Liberated!
They liberated a bunch of Libyans from the BEST social living standards on their Continent!
That was the Libyan Popular Socialist Jamahiriya: the Republic of the masses …