with PCN-SPO / 15 August 2013 /




Our friend Jacques Vergès died Thursday in Paris at the age of 88 of natural causes, it was learned from the Chairman of the National Bar Council (CNB), Christian Charriere-Bournazel, confirming a report by BFM TV. "He died about 2 hours and a half ago. I was warned by his family," said M. Charriere-Bournazel at 11:15 p.m. to AFP.


Sharing my concerns for several months, the chairman of the CNB told to have had "dinner with him ten days ago. He had fallen a few months ago, and so he was very thin, walked very slowly. He had difficulty to speak but he was intellectually intact. We knew it was his last days but we did not think it would come so quickly. "


We fought together in the "INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE DEFENSE OF SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC" (ICDSM) – he was the counsel and I the president – closely from 2002 to 2006, holding between The Hague and Paris, the defense of President Milosevic held in the jails of NATO – whose pseudo-ICTY is a shameful appendix – in The Hague.


Highlight of our struggle, the only public debate that has never opposed the spokesmen of ICTY, Vergès and myself on the French TV channel "LCP PUBLIC SENAT " (Paris) and turned to the defeat of the NATO domestics (*).


We met again for the defense of Saddam Hussein, of the Libyan Jamahiriya of Muammar Gaddafi – like me he was one of the few to go to support in Tripoli under NATO bombs – and that of the Ivorian president Bagbo …


I will come back at length for a tribute to this great resistant, to this implacable enemy of the System. I had a Comrade …





(*) Direct on the TV Chanel “LCP-PUBLIC SENAT” (Paris), on April 8, 2002, on the topic ”MUST WE JUDGE MILOSEVIC?”

With Me Jacques VERGES, lawyer of Slobodan Milosevic, Luc MICHEL (ICDSM), Christian CHARTIER, spokesman of the ICTY, Patrick BAUDOIN, president of the International Federation for Human Rights.



Pic : The defense of President Milosevic against NATO and the so-called ICTY : With the French lawyer Jacques VERGES, for a debate on Milosevic on (the French TV channel LCP-SENAT, Luc MICHEL as president of the "International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic", Paris, avril 2002.




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